アリアナ宝飾では、925シルバー、18Kゴールド、14Kゴールド、10Kゴールド、9Kゴールドで作られたジュエリーを提供しています。ダイヤモンド、真珠、 キュービックジルコニアなどを含めて200種類以上の天然石を提供しております。 詳細については天然石・ルースページをご覧ください。
はい、弊社が使用するすべての金属と合金には、ニッケル、鉛、カドミウムなどのスキンアレルギーを引き起こすあらゆる種類の要素がありません。安価なものを使用することによって引き起こされるあらゆる種類のアレルギーのリスクを回避するために、冶金業界で最も高い基準の高品質の金属と合金を使用しております。 必要に応じて、詳細なテストレポートを提供することもできます。
弊社には20,000個以上のオリジナルのリング、イヤリング、ペンダント、ブレスレットなどデザインのラインアップがあります。 このラインアップは、最新の市場とファッションのトレンドに応じて、エキスパートデザイナーのチームによって随時更新されています。 当社のデザインの現物は、いつでも工場でご覧になることが可能です。工場見学とサンプルをご覧には予定を修正していただくためにお問い合わせください。 または、メール、お電話、ラインなどにても、ご希望のデザインのご説明とご商談も可能です。ご説明していただいたデザインに合わせて弊社のオリジナルデザインから選択してカタログと詳細を送信させていただきます。 カタログをご覧になってからシルバー、ゴールド、天然石を決めて、発注をお決まりください。
お一つのデザインにさまざまな天然石とサイズを含めて、シルバーのお一つのデザインでMOQを10個しか決めてません。18K、14K、10Kまたは9Kで作成されたジュエリーはMOQ要件なしで承ります。サンプル注文の場合、MOQ要件なしでサンプル作成を提供いたします。 詳しくはお問い合わせください。
カスタムメイドのジュエリーデザインを他の業者やジュエリー会社に提案したり、会社名やブランド名を誰にも開示したりすることなく、すべてのクライアントの機密性とプライバシーを維持します。 御社のデザインとデータは、御社だけのために別々に保管されます。.
You can share your design ideas in several ways including:
Manually hand draw designs
CAD files
Physical samples
Images in any format like JPEG, PNG etc.
Links from the internet
Apart from the above, you can also discuss your ideas verbally or through email with our design team and we will be gladly assisting you in developing your new Jewelry design collection as desired by you.
What is the production time required by you after design finalisation?
Based upon the quantity and designs you choose, the production time ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. The delivery of your shipment usually takes 3 to 5 days upto the port of your destination from the day of shipping.
Do you do laser inscription of company name and logo on Jewelry?
Yes, as a part of branding support for our clients, we do laser inscription of Brand/ Company Name, Logo, Product details etc as desired by our clients, using the latest laser inscription machinery. This service can be provided free of charge depending upon order quantity and volume. Please get in touch with us for further details.
Do you provide branded packaging for my jewelry order?
Even though, Jewelry packaging is not our business line, we do provide support in procuring packaging for your orders and ship you single packed Jewelry in custom Jewelry boxes/ packaging as required. We can also support you in designing and developing your branded packaging through our packaging vendors without adding any service charges.
I am an Online Seller and need photographs for my ordered Jewelry. Do you provide photography support?
Yes, we are equipped with the latest photography equipments in house to provide high resolution photography and videography for your Jewelry. With a very nominal charge we can provide photographs from different angles, 360 degree videos etc which you can directly upload to your Online Jewelry Store. Although this service is chargeable, it will still be cheaper than what your local photographer will charge you for the same quality and resolution
I am new to Jewelry Business and do not have much knowledge about the industry Can you assist me?
Yes, with most pleasure.
Our team of more than 300 craftsmen, Jewelry designers, marketing team are always available and willing to assist you.
With us, you don't have to be a Jewelry professional by any means. Apart from major bulk buyers, we have clients who run small online stores, boutiques etc, work from home clients who rely upon our expertise to venture in Jewelry business. We can also assist you in developing designs from the scratch to final production in our Product Planning support. We responsibly make sure that all our clients get most competitive prices, best quality finishing and latest trending designing to maximise their sales.
How can I be sure of the quality of goods that will be delivered to me?
At Aariana Jewels, we follow highest quality control and inspection standards. Every finalised piece of Jewelry goes through strict checking and inspection at various check points to ensure the best possible quality delivery. For new designs, we first provide you with sample pieces so that you may make any sort of amendments or changes if at all needed. After sample inspection and your satisfaction with the design and quality you can place the order of your desired quantities.
Do you provide Certificate of Origin for Customs and Tax saving purposes ?
Yes. There are several countries Worldwide which have Trade Agreements with India for Tax free or lower Customs duty rate slabs for goods made in India. You can request for the Certificate of Origin at the time of placing your order or before your order is shipped.